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October 2023

FVEE-Jahrestagung 2023 "Forschung für ein resilientes Energiesystem in Zeiten globaler Krisen"

"Closing the Gap between Sustainable Aviation Fuels and Fossil Based Fuels"

Presenter: Dr Sonya Calnan (HZB)

Click here for further information and full conference program:

10. October 2023 - ALL DAY

C1 Building Blocks for Future Chemistry Conference


Thursday, October 12, 2023

17.30 - Co-electrolysis and its Integration into Power-to-X Concepts as a Key Step in a Renewable Energy System
Presenter: Erik Reichelt (IKTS)


Friday, October 13, 2023

8.30 - Keynote Lecture | Fischer-Tropsch Catalysis: An Old Technology for New Challenges
Presenter: Dylan Loudon.

Click here for more information and full conference program: 

11. October 2023 13:00 - 13. October 2023 13:05
Hauptstraße 23, 01097 Dresden
November 2023

CATSA 2023


The 33rd Annual meeting of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA)

Posters by:

  • Julie Ann Hoffman (UCT, Eric van Steen’s group) - Structure of the manganese promotor and adsorption of carbon monoxide on a cobalt surface: a DFT study
  • Revana Chanerika (UCT, Michael’s group) - Design and optimisation of model Co-Mn Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts
  • Shabaaz Abdulla (UCT, Michael’s group) - Manganese addition and particle size effects on cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts

Click here for more information:

5. November 2023 15:00 - 8. November 2023 13:00
1 Beach E Blvd, Die Voor Bay, Mossel Bay, 6500, South Africa
June 2024

Zeit für Forschung. "Die Zukunft des Luftverkehrs - Realität vs. Notwendigkeit"

Tobias Sontheimer (HZB) will participate in the panel discussion

Confirmed Panelists include: Dr. Stefan Schulte, CEO, Fraport AG und Kaweh Mansoori, State Minister of Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing in the government of Hesse

5. June 2024 - ALL DAY

12th International Conference "Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion"

Join us for an insightful keynote talk by Dr. Toine Cents, titled “Fischer-Tropsch Catalyzed Power to Liquids – Producing the Fuels of the Future,” on Tuesday, June 11, at the 12th International Conference “Fuel Science – From Production to Propulsion” in Aachen.

This conference is organized as part of our Cluster of Excellence, “The Fuel Science Center,” a collaboration between RWTH Aachen University, the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, and Forschungszentrum Jülich. The research program focuses on converting renewable energy and feedstocks into liquid energy carriers, covering everything from molecular transformation to propulsion technology in a systems approach.

The event targets representatives from both science and industry who are interested in the challenges of developing new fuels from renewable energy and carbon sources. Core topics include the production of biofuels, the conversion of renewable electrical energy and various carbon sources into new synthetic fuels, and the combustion processes of these fuels.

Don't miss this opportunity to engage with cutting-edge research and network with experts in the field!

11. June 2024 - 8:00 to 18:00

GeCats-Session 3 - FromnCatalysis to Process

Dr. Marco Frank will be giving an invited talk at ACHEMA during the “GeCats-Session 3 - From Catalysis to Process” on June 13, 2024, in Frankfurt. His presentation, titled “Application of Fischer-Tropsch Technology at Scale for Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals Production,” will delve into the large-scale applications of this technology for producing sustainable fuels and chemicals. More details can be found here.

ACHEMA Frankfurt, taking place from June 10 to 14, 2024, is a premier trade fair that brings together global experts, key decision-makers, and innovators in the process systems and tech industry. This comprehensive expo in Germany features up to 25 parallel tracks and over 900 lectures, discussions, and workshops presented by more than 1,000 speakers. ACHEMA provides a platform to showcase and exchange the latest innovations, solutions, and future trends in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, offering direct engagement with those who can benefit from sustainability-oriented solutions.

Don't miss this chance to explore cutting-edge developments and connect with leading professionals in the field!

13. June 2024 - 8:00 to 18:00