Dr Anna Zimina
Anna has been working as senior scientist at KIT for more than ten years. Leading the group “Catalysis at KIT Light Source” at the Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology, she is responsible for operation of the CATACT beamline at KIT Light Source and the support of the in-house research in the field of catalysis.
With the local team and as part of CARE-O-SENE she contributes with her know-how for the advance characterization of the industrially relevant catalytic materials.
She also leads Work Package 2 of the research project and is a member of the Steering Committee.
Senior Scientist
Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie
Areas of Expertise
Anna has developed expertise in advanced X-ray based characterization methods at Forschungszentrum Jülich, BESSY II and KIT. With her in-depth knowledge, Anna is ideally positioned to achieve the goals of the CARE-O-SENE research project: the development and implementation of hard and soft X-ray spectroscopy and imaging characterization methods on real catalysts under industrially relevant conditions.
Anna studied physics and received her PhD from the Technical University of Berlin.