Prof Dr Moritz Wolf
Moritz has been Tenure-Track-Professor at KIT since May 2022 and leads the Materials Synthesis and Scale-Up group at the Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology (IKFT). His research focuses on catalyst preparation and applications in the field of CO2 conversion, syngas chemistry and chemical hydrogen storage. In CARE-O-SENE, he is mainly involved in Work Package 1 and is responsible for the synthesis of model systems, nanoparticles and reference materials, which are subsequently characterized in depth using the various techniques available in Work Package 2 .
Tenure-Track-Professor at KIT
Group Leader Materials Synthesis and Scale-Up at IKFT
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Areas of Expertise
Moritz has been active in research on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis for more than ten years, focusing predominantly on deactivation mechanisms of supported cobalt catalysts. His fundamental work in this field, among other achievements, was recognized with the prestigious Carl-Zerbe Prize of the German Society for Sustainable Energy Carriers, Mobility and Carbon Cycles e.V. (DGMK) in 2023.
Together with acquired expertise in other fields of catalyst application, he contributes to the success of the CARE-O-SENE project through his expertise in the synthesis of defined nanoparticles and their use in model catalysts.
Moritz studied chemical engineering at KIT and received his doctorate from the University of Cape Town (UCT).